pone.0200754.g003.tif (631.63 kB)

Skeletonization process of the trachea.

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posted on 2018-08-01, 17:43 authored by Bruno Rangel Antunes Silva, Rosana Souza Rodrigues, Rogério Rufino, Cláudia Henrique Costa, Veronica Silva Vilela, Roger Abramino Levy, Alan Ranieri Medeiros Guimarães, Alysson Roncally Silva Carvalho, Agnaldo José Lopes

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the trachea of one study participant in two planes (A and B). The median values showed in the ten planes of square cross-sections are as follows: area = 184.5 mm2; perimeter = 47.6 mm; eccentricity = 0.51; equivalent diameter = 15.3 mm; major diameter = 15.9 mm; minor diameter = 14.4 mm; and tortuosity = 1.027.
