Semantic prosody of extended lexical units - A case study [Preprint].pdf (104.36 kB)

Semantic prosody of extended lexical units: A case study

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Version 3 2019-03-22, 08:21
Version 2 2019-03-22, 07:50
Version 1 2019-03-22, 07:46
journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-22, 08:21 authored by Chariton CharitonidisChariton Charitonidis
This study is the first attempt in the literature to define the semantic prosody (contextual properties) of extended lexical units (ELUs) according to the psycholinguistic variables ‘valence’ (emotional positivity), ‘arousal’ (excitement, mood-enhancement), and ‘concreteness’. The object of investigation are the verbal phrases feel blue (unambiguous idiomatic ELU, without a literal counterpart) and see red (ambiguous ELU, idiomatic or literal).
