ppat.1006124.g009.tif (2.53 MB)

STAT6 is crucial for KSHV to block viral lytic replication and drive cell growth.

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posted on 2017-01-18, 04:30 authored by Chong Wang, Caixia Zhu, Fang Wei, Shujun Gao, Liming Zhang, Yuhong Li, Yanling Feng, Yin Tong, Jianqing Xu, Bin Wang, Zhenghong Yuan, Erle S. Robertson, Qiliang Cai

(A) Introduction of intact STAT6 inhibits RTA transcription and virion production. HEK293/Bac36 cells (mock) or HEK293/Bac36 cells transfected with wild-type (WT) or DBD-deleted mutant (ΔDBD) of exogenous STAT6 or vector alone, at 48hr post-transfection, were individually treated with TPA/Sodium butyrate for 24 hr before harvest. Equal amounts of cells were divided for immunoblotting against RTA, STAT6 and GAPDH as indicated in the figure, and RNA extract for quantitative PCR of RTA transcription. The supernatants from culture were purified to quantitate virion production. The statistical significance was evaluated and p<0.05 indicated as double asterisks. (B) STAT6 knockdown activates RTA expression and reduces KSHV-infected cell growth. iSLK and K-iSLK cells were individually transfected shSTAT6 or shCtrl control. Immunoblotting analysis of endogenous STAT6 and RTA was carried out at 48hr post-transfection. Equal amounts of transfected cells were seeded for real-time monitoring of cell proliferation over a four-day period (bottom panel). (C) STAT6 knockdown reduces KSHV-infected cell colony formation. A representative of colony formation after 2-week culture is shown. The relative amount of colony was calculated from two independent experiments (right panel).
