Fig 5.TIF (496.8 kB)

SP-D-induced protection is mediated by enhanced alternative activation of alveolar macrophages.

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posted on 2016-02-22, 11:01 authored by Sumaiyya Thawer, Jennifer Auret, Corinna Schnoeller, Alisha Chetty, Katherine Smith, Matthew Darby, Luke Roberts, Rosie-Marie Mackay, Harry J. Whitwell, John F. Timms, Jens Madsen, Murray E. Selkirk, Frank Brombacher, Howard William Clark, William G. C. Horsnell

Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of Ym1 and RELM-α expression on alveolar macrophages at day 5 PI rfhSP-D treated or untreated mice (a). Macrophages isolated from lungs of infected rfhSP-D treated or untreated mice were intra-nasally transferred into naïve BALB/c mice. Mice were then infected with N. brasiliensis and worm burdens were quantified at day 5 PI (b). 4 x 105 macrophages sorted from naïve lungs were cultured with either IL-4/IL-13 (black), rfhSP-D and IL-4/IL-13 (grey) or untreated (white) and RELM-α and Ym1 expression was quantified by FACS (c). Data are representative of 2–3 experiments. N = 5–8 mice per group. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.
