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Risk of seroconversion increased when multiple coronal sulcus cytokines detected.

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posted on 2016-11-29, 04:30 authored by Jessica L. Prodger, Ronald H. Gray, Brett Shannon, Kamnoosh Shahabi, Xiangrong Kong, Kate Grabowski, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Nalugoda, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Steven J. Reynolds, Cindy M. Liu, Aaron A. R. Tobian, Rupert Kaul

IL-8, GM-CSF, MCP-1, MIP3α, IL-1a and RANTES were measured in coronal sulcus swabs taken at the visit immediately prior to seroconversion in men who acquired HIV (n = 60, cases). Cytokines were also measured in time-matched swabs from men who remained persistently seronegative (n = 120, controls). The proportion of men with either no, one, or two or more cytokines detected who were either seroconverters or controls is presented. Adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of being a seroconverter given two or more cytokines was detected (compared to no cytokines detected) is presented.
