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Regulation of α-Transducin and α-Gustducin Expression by a High Protein Diet in the Pig Gastrointestinal Tract - Fig 3

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posted on 2016-02-12, 07:56 authored by Roberto De Giorgio, Maurizio Mazzoni, Claudia Vallorani, Rocco Latorre, Cristiano Bombardi, Maria Laura Bacci, Monica Forni, Mirella Falconi, Catia Sternini, Paolo Clavenzani

Quantitative assessment of the mean number of Gαtran and Gαgust-IR cells in the pig pyloric mucosa (A), duodenum (B) and jejunum (C) crypts. Different letters indicate a significant (P<0.05) statistical difference among groups. Values are expressed as mean ± SD.
