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Rawdata_06. (200 MB)

Rawdata_06 - Barley landraces are characterized by geographically heterogeneous genomic origins

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Version 2 2015-06-30, 15:05
Version 1 2015-06-29, 21:34
posted on 2015-06-30, 15:05 authored by Ana PoetsAna Poets, Zhou Fang, Michael Clegg, Peter L. Morrell

Genotyping data for landrace and cultivated lines from the National Small Grains Collection.

The dataset has been devided in 11 parts. This is part 06. Make sure to download all 11 parts.

Data used in the article: "Barley landraces are characterized by geographically heterogeneous genomic origins". Published in Genome Biology

Use the following command to put the pieces together:

% cat * >./My_complete_data.txt

The scripts used to analyze and plot the data are available in GitHub:
