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Quantitative analysis of PU.1 binding to the pIII in CAL-1 and murine splenic pDCs.

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posted on 2016-04-22, 06:26 authored by Ryosuke Miura, Kazumi Kasakura, Nobuhiro Nakano, Mutsuko Hara, Keiko Maeda, Ko Okumura, Hideoki Ogawa, Takuya Yashiro, Chiharu Nishiyama

A and B. The amount of chromosomal DNA immunprecipitated with anti-PU.1 Ab (open bar, anti-PU.1) or control IgG Ab (closed bar, IgG) in CAL-1 cells (A) and murine splenic pDCs (B). Binding degree is expressed as a percentage of the input for each ChIP assay. C. The amount of PU.1 binding to the pIII in PU.1 siRNA-introduced CAL-1 cells (PU.1) or control siRNA-introduced cells (cont.). Cells were harvested at 48h after siRNA transfection. Binding level of PU.1 (open bar) is expressed as fold change against that of control IgG (closed bar). Data represent means ± SEMs of three independent experiments. Each experiment was performed with duplicate samples. *, p < 0.05.
