pone.0208784.g006.tif (373.44 kB)

Quantification of phosphorylated metabolites based on 31P spectra for different tissue samples and experimental groups.

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posted on 2018-12-27, 18:47 authored by Rui V. Simões, Miquel E. Cabañas, Carla Loreiro, Miriam Illa, Fatima Crispi, Eduard Gratacós

Values displayed as metabolite peak areas normalized to sample weight (average ±SD) for brain (A) and heart (B) samples of CTR, GLC and ACE groups. PC could not be quantified properly in heart samples due to overlap with 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (Fig 5). Significant differences between AGA and FGR subjects are indicated (* p<0.05, two-tailed unpaired t-Test).
