pbio.2003583.g003.tif (815.32 kB)

Pseudogenization in the fusarielin-like SM gene cluster.

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posted on 2017-11-17, 18:36 authored by Abigail L. Lind, Jennifer H. Wisecaver, Catarina Lameiras, Philipp Wiemann, Jonathan M. Palmer, Nancy P. Keller, Fernando Rodrigues, Gustavo H. Goldman, Antonis Rokas

(A) Positions of frameshift variants and nonsense variants in the fusarielin-like SM gene cluster 4. (B) Locus phylogeny of the fusarielin-like SM gene cluster based on a nucleotide alignment of the entire gene cluster, including intergenic and noncoding regions. The phylogeny is midpoint rooted and branches with bootstrap support <80% are collapsed. Two branches were shortened for visualization purposes. Strains with pseudogenizing variants are indicated with colored boxes. Colors correspond to variants shown in (A). PKS, polyketide synthase; SM, secondary metabolite; SNV, single nucleotide variant.
