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Procedure for measurement of the mandibular residual asymmetry:

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posted on 2016-08-29, 17:38 authored by Han Lin, Ping Zhu, Qiuping Lin, Xiaoqiong Huang, Yue Xu, Xiaoping Yang

(a) Incision design and measurement before surgery; (b) Mandible segment backwards to normal maxillo-mandibular relationship; (c) Me point—facial midline alignment by mandibular de-rotation; (d) Segmentation along the facial middle sagittal plane, green color represents the elongation hemi-mandible; blue color represents the normal hemi-mandible; (e) Mirroring of elongation hemi-mandible along facial middle sagittal plane; (f) Superimposition and boolean operation of mirrored elongation hemi-mandible and normal side, pink color in the box represents the residual asymmetry between the two sides of the mandible.
