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Politeness Principles and Strategies in Language Used By President Joko Widodo to Indonesian Citizens, Through Vlog #JOKOWIMENJAWAB

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Version 2 2019-04-23, 08:05
Version 1 2019-04-23, 07:53
journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-23, 08:05 authored by Ratna SusantiRatna Susanti, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Djatmika Djatmika, Mohammad Rohmadi

President Joko Widodo opens communication with the Indonesian citizens through vlogs. Through the vlog, every citizen of Indonesia can convey various problems directly to President Joko Widodo and answers directly as well. This paper aims to describe the politeness principles and strategies in the language used by President Joko Widodo when answering various questions from citizens of Indonesia who asks through a vlog entitled #JOKOWIMENJAWAB. The theoretical basis used is the principle of politeness from Brown and Levinson. The data source in this paper is vlog #JOKOWIMENJAWAB, while the data in this paper is the speech act of President Joko Widodo when answering questions via vlog. The data in this paper was collected by using listening and noting methods, meanwhile the data analysis used extralingual padan method. The results of the data analysis obtained that President Joko Widodo in his speaking used a strategy that reflects the character of a head of state, namely maintaining politeness in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that arise. President Joko Widodo’s utterances used a lot of politeness strategies that contain strong illocution and perlocution force for the hearer (the citizens).


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