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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles? Engaging Medical Students with Interactive, Skills-based Multimodal Evidence-Based Practice Instruction

posted on 2019-06-04, 00:06 authored by Nicole Capdarest-ArestNicole Capdarest-Arest, Amy Studer
Background : The UC Davis School of Medicine was proposing curriculum change that would have resulted in a reduction in curricular time for course content delivered by UC Davis Library (the “Library”). Since the Library continually monitors the curriculum, we seized this opportunity to connect with education leaders and re-envision Library content on evidence-based practice (“EBP”) at an even more developmentally appropriate place, earlier in the curriculum. Resultantly, we collaborated on a teaching session focusing on specialized information resources and the “Ask” and “Acquire” components of the EBP framework early in this new longitudinal thread on population health and evidence-based practice. .

Description : The Library wanted to develop a highly interactive, hands-on session using novel teaching techniques and tools. Two librarians in consultation with the course instructor redesigned the “introduction to library resources” session to include: flipped classroom, individual and team activities, structured and self-directed learning activities, real-time polling, and assignment feedback. Using all these modalities, the instruction was delivered in two sessions (½ class per session) in a state-of-the-art classroom designed for interactive learning (propeller tables with monitors at each table). Topics covered included: question types (background vs. foreground), PICO, publication types, evidence pyramid, resource overviews (e.g., PubMed, AccessMedicine, DynaMed Plus, UpToDate, advanced Google searching), and health information literacy. Assignments were submitted through the university Qualtrics survey tool. Using Qualtrics offered the ability to deliver a developmentally structured assignment, give feedback in real-time, and easily collect and analyze student assignments.

Conclusion : Formal and informal feedback was overwhelmingly positive for the sessions, with we “would like more time for the individual assignment” as the only suggested improvement. This may be remedied by offering students more context in advance of this component. Students demonstrated competency in understanding the EBP process and developing their own PICO questions. Assignments showed room for improvement in distinguishing publication types and identifying and incorporating synonyms into searches. This session was a useful and engaging starting point to introduce learners to EBP and evidence resources. Opportunities to build on these skills can be reinforced and developed throughout the curriculum.
