3 files

Phyloseq objects associated with statistical analyses

Phyloseq objects associated with statistical analyses

The phyloseq-class experiment-level objects (in the following called: phyloseq objects) were created from the provided data, using code available from the provided R scripts. To facilitate the reproducibility of the individual steps at different stages of the analysis, the provided phyloseq objects can be used as input as specified in the R scripts and do not have to be re-created from the raw data. However, the latter is also possible as all data and R code to create the phyloseq objects are provided.


Ingham AC, Kielsen K, Cilieborg MS, Lund O, Holmes S, Aarestrup FM, Müller KG, and Pamp SJ. (2019) Specific gut microbiome members are associated with distinct immune markers in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Microbiome 7:131
