Fig 8.tif (854.65 kB)

Peptidase activity of neutrophil serine proteases from the BAL fluid of pigs infected with P. aeruginosa.

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posted on 2016-12-16, 19:41 authored by Claire Chevaleyre, Mickaël Riou, Déborah Bréa, Clarisse Vandebrouck, Céline Barc, Jérémy Pezant, Sandrine Melo, Michel Olivier, Rémy Delaunay, Olivier Boulesteix, Patricia Berthon, Christelle Rossignol, Julien Burlaud Gaillard, Frédéric Becq, Francis Gauthier, Mustapha Si-Tahar, François Meurens, Mustapha Berri, Ignacio Caballero-Posadas, Sylvie Attucci

A. Peptidase activities of NE, Pr3 and cat G (means ± SEM; n = 6). Increased protease activity were analysed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. *** indicates a significant increase in enzyme activity (p<0.001). B. Western blotting of neutrophil elastase showing free protease (25 kDa) and an irreversible complex with serpins (63 kDa).
