Table 7.xls (5.5 kB)

Overlap of thymidine analogue induced DEGs with genes known to be regulated by HIF-1, CEP-1 and SKN-1 after 24h exposure.

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posted on 2017-11-02, 17:54 authored by Reuben L. Smith, Josephine M. E. Tan, Martijs J. Jonker, Aldo Jongejan, Thomas Buissink, Steve Veldhuijzen, Antoine H. C. van Kampen, Stanley Brul, Hans van der Spek

The expression direction (Up or Down) of thymidine analogue DEGs, with an adjusted P-value <0.01, at 24h, are compared to respectively Up or Down regulated genes from the different conditions taken from [4446]. The numbers of genes that overlap per condition at each time point are given with their representative percentage of thymidine analogue regulated genes between brackets. Over-represented P-value: * = P<0.05, ** = P<0.01, *** = P<0.001, n.s. = not significant. n.a. = not applicable.
