2 files

Over-Luminosity of J1207-3900

posted on 2014-03-14, 15:10 authored by Jonathan GagnéJonathan Gagné, Michael Liu, Jackie K. Faherty, Kelle CruzKelle Cruz, David Lafrenière, René Doyon, Lison Malo, Étienne Artigau

This figure shows the expected position of J1207-3900 (Thick green line; Gagné et al. 2014b, see first link below) and its uncertainty (dashed green line) in a spectral type-absolute magnitude diagram (from Liu et al. 2013, see second link below), using the statistical distance prediction from BANYAN II (Gagné et al. 2014a, see third link below).

It can be seen that J1207-3900 is expected to be neither over-  or under- luminous as compared to old, field L dwarfs. This is consistent with other young L1 dwarfs, which are inflated, but more dusty ; the two effects cancel out on their total luminosity. However, due to enhanced dust it has redder than normal NIR colors (see Gagné e tal. 2014b).

Please cite all 3 references in the links below if you use this figure.
