Fig 1.tif (464.75 kB)

On the Kaolinite Floc Size at the Steady State of Flocculation in a Turbulent Flow - Fig 1

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posted on 2016-02-22, 10:04 authored by Zhongfan Zhu, Hongrui Wang, Jingshan Yu, Jie Dou

Schematic of the experimental setup (A) (1-the inner cylinder, 2-the outer cylinder, 3-a speed-adjusting motor with speed reduction boxes, 4-ADV, 5-a transfer pipette, 6-a volumetric flask, 7-a dropper, 8-a slide glass with a cover glass, 9-a biological fluorescence microscope with CCD, and 10-an image processing in a personal computer (PC)) and an example image (B) including some flocs, taken at the experimental time of 80min for ω = 90rpm and ϕ = 7.87*10−5 without electrolyte added to the suspension.
