pone.0181185.g006.tif (311.82 kB)

Normalisation of surfactant protein -A and -B expression in the lungs of low birth weight lambs by 21 days old - Fig 6

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posted on 2017-09-26, 17:25 authored by Jia Yin Soo, Sandra Orgeig, Erin Victoria McGillick, Song Zhang, I Caroline McMillen, Janna L. Morrison

There was no difference in the mRNA expression of HIF-1α (A) in the lungs of the LBW lambs (n = 6; Closed bars) compared with the ABW lambs (n = 9; Open bars). There was higher mRNA expression of HIF-2α (B) in the lungs of the LBW lambs (n = 6; Closed bars) compared with the ABW lambs (n = 8; Open bars). MNE, mean normalised expression; ABW, Average birth weight; LBW, Low birth weight; *P<0.05 from ABW.
