Fig 3.TIF (748.33 kB)

Network of significant gene co-occurrences.

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posted on 2016-02-17, 12:10 authored by Mariam Ibáñez, José Carbonell-Caballero, Luz García-Alonso, Esperanza Such, Jorge Jiménez-Almazán, Enrique Vidal, Eva Barragán, María López-Pavía, Marta LLop, Iván Martín, Inés Gómez-Seguí, Pau Montesinos, Miguel A. Sanz, Joaquín Dopazo, José Cervera

Genes are represented by nodes and their sizes defined from the number of significant co-occurrences they are implied. Edges represent co-occurrences between pairs of genes. Every edge is labelled with the number of samples that carries the mutated pair of genes as follows: higher than expected co-occurrences are coloured in green, while lower than expected (only one) in red. Edge width is proportional to the statistical p-value of chi-square test. Those genes co-occurring only at one single patient are painted in white. Seven co-occurrence subnetworks arise from the significant co-occurrence network, where remarkably a single component connected the half of represented genes. In contrast, 3 pairs are simultaneously mutated only in 2 different individuals, and 3 significant co-occurrence subnetworks, only in 1 patient.
