pone.0202577.g001.tif (2.57 MB)

Morphology of FPTEC, HREC and HK-2.

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posted on 2018-08-23, 17:57 authored by Jack S. Lawson, Hui-Hsuan Liu, Harriet M. Syme, Robert Purcell, Caroline P. D. Wheeler-Jones, Jonathan Elliott

Representative photomicrographs of FPTEC, HREC and HK-2 cells. (A) FPTEC 24hrs post isolation. Small tissue clumps and individual cells are adhered to the tissue culture plastic. (B) FPTEC 96 hours post isolation. Proliferating colonies of epithelial cells form from the isolated tissue. (C) FPTEC 7 days post isolation. Colonies mature into densely packed epithelial monolayers. (D) FPTEC, passage 1. Cells maintain their epithelial morphology and demonstrate formation of “domes” (thick arrow) at confluency. (E) FPTEC, passage 1: High power image illustrating cuboidal morphology and close cell-cell adhesion. (F) FPTEC, passage 3. Larger, irregular cells begin to appear, indicating cultures are developing replicative senescence. (G) FPTEC, passage 4. The few remaining adherent cells are greatly enlarged and irregular. (H) HK-2 cells. The HK-2 cell line formed monolayers of cuboidal, epithelial cells and did not form domes. (I) HREC, passage 2. These cultures were initially heterogeneous, grew into a cuboidal monolayer. Images are representative of three experiments.
