pone.0207317.g001.tif (233.29 kB)

Morphological evaluation of vitrified testicular tissue from prepubertal domestic cats.

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posted on 2018-11-08, 19:06 authored by David Baruc Cruvinel Lima, Lúcia Daniel Machado da Silva, Pierre Comizzoli

(A) proportion of intact seminiferous tubules, (B) proportion of Sertoli cells stained with vimentin in each seminiferous tubule, (C) connexin expression relative to pixel intensity. Data are expressed as mean ± SE (n = 6 animals per treatment). Different letters above bars indicate significant statistical differences between treatments (P < 0.05). Warming 1 (tissue warmed at 37°C), culture 1 (warming 1 followed by culture for 24h), warming 2 (tissue warmed at 50°C), culture 2 (warming 2 followed by culture for 24h).
