pone.0198991.g002.tif (235.43 kB)

Molecular and electrophysiological characterization of LHPV neurons.

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posted on 2018-06-12, 17:23 authored by Alexandre Kisner, Julia E. Slocomb, Sarah Sarsfield, Maria Laura Zuccoli, Justin Siemian, Jay F. Gupta, Arvind Kumar, Yeka Aponte

(A) Detection of Kv3.1, Kv3.2, and Hcn2 subunit genes by RT-qPCR analysis after harvesting the cytoplasm from single LHPV neurons. Representative amplification plot displayed. Note that cells were Pvalb+/Vglut2+/Vgat. (B) Relative abundance of Kv3.1, Kv3.2, and Hcn2 in single LHPV neurons. Box plots show mean (×), median, quartiles (boxes), and s.e.m. (whiskers). Cycle threshold (Ct), relative abundance values, and sample sizes are explained in Methods. (C) Representative firing pattern of a fast-spiking LHPV neuron that displays spike frequency accommodation and amplitude attenuation during large depolarizing current injections (500 pA, 500 ms pulses). Note decreases in firing frequency and amplitude during the last 100 ms of the pulse. Dotted line denotes resting membrane potential (Vrmp = –63 mV). (D) Firing rate of LHPV neurons in response to current injection (I–f curves) during 500 ms pulses. The red/gray dots show the average firing rate of the LHPV neurons and the standard deviation is indicated by the black vertical bar (n = 34).
