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Modification effects of genetic polymorphisms in FTO, IL-6, and HSPD1 on the associations of diabetes with breast cancer risk and survival - Fig 2

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posted on 2017-06-07, 17:35 authored by Rui-Mei Zhu, Wei Lin, Wei Zhang, Jun-Ting Ren, Yi Su, Jian-Rong He, Ying Lin, Feng-Xi Su, Xiao-Ming Xie, Lu-Ying Tang, Ze-Fang Ren

(A) Multivariate Cox regression analysis on overall survival for breast cancer patients according to diabetes status (Adjusted for age at diagnosis, ER status, HER2 status, clinical stage, chemotherapy and surgical options). (B) Multivariate Cox regression analysis on progression free survival for breast cancer patients according to diabetes status (Adjusted for age at diagnosis, ER status, HER2 status, clinical stage, chemotherapy and surgical options).
