Fig 2.TIF (531.64 kB)

Mean wiring length (real vs. optimized).

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posted on 2016-11-10, 17:54 authored by Laura Anton-Sanchez, Concha Bielza, Pedro Larrañaga, Javier DeFelipe

Mean wiring length (μm) of the 48 analyzed cells in each cortical layer (red) versus mean wiring length of the shortest arborizations found by our optimization algorithm for each layer (green). The optimization algorithm found an equal or slightly better (shorter) wiring for all the neurons in all the layers. We found the biggest difference with respect to the real wiring in layer Va, where the synthetic wiring was, on average, 2.06% shorter than the real wiring. The smallest difference occured in layer IV, where the optimized wiring was, on average, 1.01% shorter than the real wiring.
