11 files

Matlab code for calculating of modularity in bipartite networks. Original publication: Pilosof et al., Nature Ecol Evol, 2017.

Version 3 2017-01-18, 17:37
Version 2 2017-01-18, 17:36
Version 1 2016-07-07, 20:43
posted on 2017-01-18, 17:37 authored by Shai PilosofShai Pilosof
This is a collection of Matlab functions used to analyze the networks in the publication The Multilayer Nature of Ecological Networks. Please read the original paper for details on what these functions do. Citation:

Pilosof S, Porter MA, Pascual M, Kefi S. The multilayer nature of ecological networks. (2017) Nature Ecology & Evolution. 

Each code has a detailed description but if you need more details contact me at:

The code which creates the modularity matrix for bipartite networks was modified from with help of Lucas Jeub and Mason A. Porter.

The GenLouvain code (version 2.0, 2014) was downloaded from: on July 2016 and was not modified. Citation:

Inderjit S. Jutla, Lucas G. S. Jeub, and Peter J. Mucha,    
    "A generalized Louvain method for community detection implemented in MATLAB," (2011-2014).

Please cite this code when you use it (or parts of it).
