Fig 5.TIF (2.68 MB)

Mapping of CSBPSs in the Cetacea phylogenetic tree.

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posted on 2016-06-23, 07:18 authored by Stefano Montelli, Antonella Peruffo, Tomaso Patarnello, Bruno Cozzi, Enrico Negrisolo

CSBPS, change in sequence in a base pair of a stem; FCBC, fully compensatory base change; HCBC, hemi compensatory base change; Mismatch, mismatch in a base pair of a stem; Number of FCBCs, HCBCs, and Mismatches (included their sum CSBPSs) occurring at the nodes of the reference phylogenetic tree. The asterisk associated with some CSBPS values indicates that these CSBPSs were subjected to successive changes in one/some of the taxa downstream of the considered node. For details on the type of FCBCs, HCBCs, and mismatches occurring at a single node, please refer to S7S9 Figs.
