Fig 5.tif (387.7 kB)

Mapped reads to the most abundant species identified.

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posted on 2017-07-18, 17:40 authored by Franciele Maboni Siqueira, Esteban Pérez-Wohlfeil, Fabíola Marques Carvalho, Oswaldo Trelles, Irene Silveira Schrank, Ana Tereza Ribeiro Vasconcelos, Arnaldo Zaha

Normalized data points are separated into two y-axes, mainly one for the M. hyopneumoniae species and the other one for the rest of the species. In the x-axis, the most abundant species are shown. The y-axis shows the relative frequency in two scales; left: in green (M01) and purple (M02) the relative frequency scales for M. hyopneumoniae; right in red (M01) and blue (M02), the relative frequency scale for the remaining species.
