mot360_face.tgz (295.06 MB)

MOT-360 Face

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Version 3 2020-03-04, 13:56
Version 2 2020-03-04, 13:56
Version 1 2019-05-15, 13:57
posted on 2020-03-04, 13:56 authored by Marcos CirneMarcos Cirne, Fernanda AndaloFernanda Andalo, Rafael Dias
MOT-360 Face Dataset


This dataset contains 7,409 equirectangular and normalized face images from 52 unique identities. It also contains a .csv file with the following fields for each face image:

- Annotation ID
- Face ID
- Left Eye (in pixel coordinates)
- Right Eye (in pixel coordinates)
- Camera Angles (to retrieve the original spherical image)


- All filenames obey the format <face_id>@<annotation_id>_EN.png (where "EN" stands for "Equirectangular Normalized")
- The images are not evenly distributed among the identities
- Each identity contains at least 25 images


When referencing the dataset, please use the following BibTex citation:

author = "M. Cirne and F. Andalo and R. Dias and T. Resek and G. Bertocco and R. Torres and A. Rocha",
title = "Deep Face Verification for Spherical Images",
booktitle = "{IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing",
year = "2019"


Motorola Mobility LLC, DéjàVu Project (FAPESP Grant #2017/12646-3)
