13072_2017_170_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx (11.31 kB)

MOESM2 of Uncoordinated expression of DNA methylation-related enzymes in human cancer

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posted on 2017-12-12, 05:00 authored by Jiao Liu, Xiuliang Cui, Jinhua Jiang, Dan Cao, Yufei He, Hongyang Wang
Additional file 2: Table S1. Correlations among DNA methylation-related enzymes in 5 mouse tissues. The expression of 7 DNA methylation-related enzymes in 5 mouse tissues was quantified by real-time qRT-PCR. The correlations between these enzymes are analyzed and shown. A multiple-testing correction was done by using Benjamini–Hochberg procedure. The corrected p value is shown only when the p value was changed from < 0.05 to > 0.05 after the correction.


National Natural Science Foundation of China
