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MOESM1 of The changing epidemiology of hepatitis B and C infections in Nanoro, rural Burkina Faso: a random sampling survey

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posted on 2020-01-16, 04:57 authored by Moussa Lingani, Tomoyuki Akita, Serge Ouoba, Shintaro Nagashima, Palwende Boua, Kazuaki Takahashi, Basile Kam, Aya Sugiyama, Théodore Nikiema, Chikako Yamamoto, Athanase Somé, Karim Derra, Ko Ko, Hermann Sorgho, Zekiba Tarnagda, Halidou Tinto, Junko Tanaka
Additional file 1. Questionnaires used in the study. Appendix 1a is questionnaire for children and appendix 1b for mothers. These questionnaires were solely developed for this study and it mainly included the demographic information, vaccination status of the children, general knowledge on the hepatitis B virus infection and the available of vaccination.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
