6 files

MM parameters for covalent adducts of Clavulanate degradation by beta-lactamases

posted on 2018-05-22, 11:35 authored by Marc van der KampMarc van der Kamp
This dataset contains parameters for the acyl-enzyme complexes simulated in the following work:

Multiscale simulations establish clavulanate inhibition efficiency and the responsible enzyme complex in class A β-lactamases. [1]
Rubén A. Fritz, Jans H. Alzate-Morales, James Spencer, Adrian J. Mulholland and Marc W. Van der Kamp.

MM parameters for the following covalent complexes resulting from inhibition with clavulanate are present:

AEC - acyl-enzyme complex of clavulanate (incl. Ser70)
Files:, AEC.frcmod
Residue name: AEC

TEDC - decarboxylated trans-enamine complex (incl. Ser70) that is the result of opening of the five-membered ring (leading to an imine intermediate) and subsequent rearrangement [2,3]

Files:, TEDC.frcmod
Residue name: TDC

ADEC - aldehyde complex (incl. Ser70) that is the result of consecutive reactions of the cis-enamine [2,3]
Files:, ADEC.frcmod
Residue name: ADC

Parameterisation procedure: Initial Amber ff14SB force field parameters for the acylated residue in the models (adducts) were obtained from the RED Server (partial charges from HF/6-31G(d,p) RESP-fitting and atom types). For missing parameters, chemically equivalent parameters from the GAFF force field were used.

[1] Fritz RA, Alzate-Morales JH, Spencer J, Mulholland AJ and Van der Kamp MW. Biochemistry (2018). Under review.
[2] Drawz, S. M., and Bonomo, R. a. (2010) Three decades of β-lactamase inhibitors. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 23, 160–201.
[3] Helfand, M. S., Totir, M. A., Carey, M. P., Hujer, A. M., Bonomo, R. A., and Carey, P. R. (2003) Following the Reactions of Mechanism-Based Inhibitors with β-Lactamase by Raman Crystallography. Biochemistry 42, 13386–13392.


BBSRC - BB/M026280/1
