pone.0172968.g004.tif (2.75 MB)

Lunar cycle and spawning.

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posted on 2017-03-06, 18:33 authored by Nicholas A. Farmer, William D. Heyman, Mandy Karnauskas, Shinichi Kobara, Tracey I. Smart, Joseph C. Ballenger, Marcel J. M. Reichert, David M. Wyanski, Michelle S. Tishler, Kenyon C. Lindeman, Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri, Theodore S. Switzer, Justin J. Solomon, Kyle McCain, Mark Marhefka, George R. Sedberry

SERFS fishery-independent samples of female fish within 48 hours of spawning (denoted by size of circles; values vary by species) relative to lunar phase and month. Numbers denote histologically examined fish.
