ucgs_a_914442_sm4610.pdf (424.2 kB)

Local Gaussian process approximation for large computer experiments

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Version 3 2015-06-16, 20:00
Version 2 2015-06-16, 20:00
Version 1 2015-04-03, 00:00
journal contribution
posted on 2015-06-16, 20:00 authored by Robert B. Gramacy, Daniel W. Apley

We provide a new approach to approximate emulation of large computer experiments. By focusing expressly on desirable properties of the predictive equations, we derive a family of local sequential design schemes that dynamically define the support of a Gaussian process predictor based on a local subset of the data. We further derive expressions for fast sequential updating of all needed quantities as the local designs are built-up iteratively. Then we show how independent application of our local design strategy across the elements of a vast predictive grid facilitates a trivially parallel implementation. The end result is a global predictor able to take advantage of modern multicore architectures, providing a nonstationary modeling feature as a bonus. We demonstrate our method on two examples utilizing designs with thousands of data points, and compare to the method of compactly supported covariances.
