1065 files

Lineages of 61 best attested Vai characters, traced as .svg images

posted on 2018-02-19, 13:11 authored by Piers KellyPiers Kelly, Olena TykhostupOlena Tykhostup
These files represent only those Vai characters attested in at least 90 percent of the historical sources between 1834 and 2005, amounting to 61 graphemes (out of ca. 300).

They were traced with a standard stroke width from digitised original documents, using Adobe Illustrator.

File names are parsed as follows:

BEE=unicode transliteration of sound value
1911= year attested in source (see Tykhostup & Kelly 2018)
v2= variant number 2 (some graphemes have several variants)
7_4= means 7 anchor points in vectors, 4 anchor points after artificial smoothing at 50%. Note that none of these files are saved as artificially smoothed, they are traced exactly. The post-smoothing measure was recorded in order to get a rough index of compressibility.
