2 files

Lifestyle intervention for adults with spinal cord injury: Results of the USC–RLANRC Pressure Ulcer Prevention Study

Version 2 2019-01-11, 14:08
Version 1 2017-04-17, 12:35
posted on 2019-01-11, 14:08 authored by Mike Carlson, Cheryl L.P. Vigen, Salah Rubayi, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Jeanine Blanchard, Michal Atkins, Barbara Bates-Jensen, Susan L Garber, Elizabeth A Pyatak, Jesus Diaz, Lucia I Florindez, Joel W Hay, Trudy Mallinson, Jennifer B Unger, Stanley Paul Azen, Michael Scott, Alison Cogan, Florence Clark

Context/Objective: Medically serious pressure injuries (MSPrIs), a common complication of spinal cord injury (SCI), have devastating consequences on health and well-being and are extremely expensive to treat. We aimed to test the efficacy of a lifestyle-based intervention designed to reduce incidence of MSPrIs in adults with SCI.

Design: A randomized controlled trial (RCT), and a separate study wing involving a nonrandomized standard care control group.

Setting: Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, a large facility serving ethnically diverse, low income residents of Los Angeles County.

Participants: Adults with SCI, with history of one or more MSPrIs over the past 5 years: N=166 for RCT component, N=66 in nonrandomized control group.

Interventions: The Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program, a 12-month lifestyle-based treatment administered by healthcare professionals, largely via in-home visits and phone contacts.

Outcome Measures: Blinded assessments of annualized MSPrI incidence rates at 12 and 24 months, based on: skin checks, quarterly phone interviews with participants, and review of medical charts and billing records. Secondary outcomes included number of surgeries and various quality-of-life measures.

Results: Annualized MSPrI rates did not differ significantly between study groups. At 12 months, rates were .56 for intervention recipients, .48 for randomized controls, and .65 for nonrandomized controls. At follow-up, rates were .44 and .39 respectively for randomized intervention and control participants.

Conclusions: Evidence for intervention efficacy was inconclusive. The intractable nature of MSPrI threat in high-risk SCI populations, and lack of statistical power, may have contributed to this inability to detect an effect.

Trial Registration: NCT01999816
