Fig 3.TIF (886.66 kB)

Kinetics of bee venom specific antibodies.

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posted on 2016-07-12, 07:15 authored by Andreas Hartmann, Julia Müllner, Niklaus Meier, Helke Hesekamp, Priscilla van Meerbeeck, Marie-Odile Habert, Aurélie Kas, Marie-Laure Tanguy, Merry Mazmanian, Hervé Oya, Nissen Abuaf, Hafida Gaouar, Sabrina Salhi, Fanny Charbonnier-Beaupel, Marie-Hélène Fievet, Damien Galanaud, Sophie Arguillere, Emmanuel Roze, Bertrand Degos, David Grabli, Lucette Lacomblez, Cécile Hubsch, Marie Vidailhet, Anne-Marie Bonnet, Jean-Christophe Corvol, Michael Schüpbach

The sample at day -60 was taken at the pre-screening, the first bee venom injection was done at day 0 and the first sample after at day 30. Diamonds are for specific IgE (kU/L) and the squares for specific IgG4 (mg/L). (A)kinetics of specific IgE production for all patients; (B) kinetics for specific IgE and IgG4 for a single representative patient.
