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Kim et al., PLoS One 2015 - Between-trial forgetting due to interference and time in motor adaptation

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posted on 2015-02-10, 17:52 authored by Sung KimSung Kim

There are 15 subjects for each of three experimental groups, SHORT, LONG, Alt.
There are two experimental sessions, screen and learn.

Here is the description of the variables in each mat file.
The size of the variable corresponds to the number of trials.

CurMark: Actual cursor positions in two dimensions
PosMark: Rotated cursor positions in two dimensions
TaskPos: Target position in radian
TimeMark: Time stamps
logET: Ignore this variable
logEndP: End position in two dimensions
logErr: Error in the pixel size
logHit: Ignore this variable
logMT: Movement time in ms
logMoved: 1:Moved, 0: Not moved (invalid trials)
logRT: Reaction time in ms
logST : Ignore this variable
logTar: Target position in two dimensions
logTask: Task ID (0: No rotation, 1: CCW, 2: CW)
schedITI : Time between the end of the current task and the start of the next task
To calculate the actual ITI, you should add 1500 ms (which is the duration of each trial).

