Fig 3.TIF (406.38 kB)

Inhibition of the wax ester fermentation in anoxia.

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posted on 2016-09-26, 17:45 authored by Adchara Padermshoke, Takumi Ogawa, Kazuki Nishio, Masami Nakazawa, Masatoshi Nakamoto, Atsushi Okazawa, Shigehiko Kanaya, Masanori Arita, Daisaku Ohta

The wax ester accumulation was almost completely abolished under anoxic-light conditions, as shown by the levels of C28 (14:0–14:0), which represents wax esters. The light-grown cells were subjected to anoxic and hypoxic conditions under both light and dark conditions. Hypoxia and anoxia were induced by stopping the culture agitation and N2 aeration (10 min), respectively. The results under light-anoxic conditions are magnified in the inset. Error bars indicate standard deviation from triplicate cultures.
