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In Situ Generation of Palladium Nanoparticles: Ligand-Free Palladium Catalyzed Pivalic Acid Assisted Carbonylative Suzuki Reactions at Ambient Conditions

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-02-07, 00:00 authored by Qing Zhou, Shaohua Wei, Wei Han
Highly selective carbonylative Suzuki reactions of aryl iodides with arylboronic acids using an in situ generated nanopalladium system furnished products in high yields. The reactions were performed under ambient conditions and in the absence of an added ligand. The key to success is the addition of pivalic acid, which can effectively suppress undesired Suzuki coupling. The synthesis can be easily scaled up, and the catalytic system can be reused up to nine times. The nature of the active catalytic species are discussed.
