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IEEE Transaction on Cloud Computing (TCC)-"Adaptive Computing-plus-Communication Optimization Framework for Multimedia Processing in Cloud Systems"

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posted on 2017-04-21, 12:49 authored by Mohammad ShojafarMohammad Shojafar, Claudia Canali, Riccardo Lancellotti, Jemal Abawajy
A clear trend in the evolution of network-based services is the ever-increasing amount of multimedia data involved. This trend towards big-data multimedia processing finds its natural placement together with the adoption of the cloud computing paradigm, that seems the best solution to cope with the demands of a highly fluctuating workload that characterizes this type of services. However, as cloud data centers become more and more powerful, energy consumption becomes a major challenge both for environmental concerns and for economic reasons. An effective approach to improve energy efficiency in cloud data centers is to rely on traffic engineering techniques to dynamically adapt the number of active servers to the current workload. Towards this aim, we propose a joint computing-plus-communication optimization framework exploiting virtualization technologies, called MMGreen. Our proposal specifically addresses the typical scenario of multimedia data processing with computationally intensive tasks and exchange of a big volume of data. The proposed framework not only ensures users the Quality of Service (through Service Level Agreements), but also achieves maximum energy saving and attains green cloud computing goals in a fully distributed fashion by utilizing the DVFS-based CPU frequencies. To evaluate the actual effectiveness of the proposed framework, we conduct experiments with MMGreen under real-world and synthetic workload traces. The results of the experiments show that MMGreen may significantly reduce the energy cost for computing, communication and reconfiguration with respect to the previous resource provisioning strategies, respecting the SLA constraints.


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