STS325 Final Presentation.pptx (5.4 MB)

Head Injuries in Professional and Amateur Sports

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posted on 2017-11-02, 14:55 authored by Spencer KappSpencer Kapp
Concussions in sports have become such a large issue in today’s sports society. Each year it seems that we hear more and more about athletes who struggle dealing with head injuries. Athletes continue to get bigger, stronger and faster which brings more excitement to sports. There have been many injuries in contact sports at all levels that not only result in concussions but long-term head injuries that can that cause permanent damage. We have learned and studied so much about the effects that concussions have on the human body and with that being said there should be more rules and regulations implemented to prevent concussions. With the rise in technology, we think there should be better equipment to not only prevent concussions but better treat and diagnosis concussions quicker. Concussions can happen in any sport at any time and it is important to make sure athletes are safe if they get a concussion. I think concussion protocol is a big deal as well and should not be taken lightly. We should be using technology to monitor the lives of athletes on every level, because some athletes fail to report that they have a concussion-like symptom or don't realize that they have it at all. This is not good because in the long term it can result in a more serious head injury. It would be great if there was a technology that could detect right away if an athlete has a concussion or not. Overall, concussions are such a major issue in sports and a change for safe prevention, quicker diagnosis, and better treatment will only benefit the athletes and can change sports forever. This issue needs to be taken seriously and is urgent, however too much change can negatively impact a sport. Therefore, this issue needs to be resolved step by step and with caution.
