Fig 2.TIF (488.68 kB)

Haplotype-specific reactivity of the X2F6 mAb.

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posted on 2016-10-19, 17:52 authored by Yoshie Kametani, Shino Ohshima, Asuka Miyamoto, Atsuko Shigenari, Masaki Takasu, Noriaki Imaeda, Tatsuya Matsubara, Masafumi Tanaka, Takashi Shiina, Hiroshi Kamiguchi, Ryuji Suzuki, Hitoshi Kitagawa, Jerzy K. Kulski, Noriaki Hirayama, Hidetoshi Inoko, Asako Ando

(A) Microminipig PBMCs of each haplotype were stained with X2F6 or PT85A followed by anti-mouse IgG-FITC and analyzed by FCM. Lymphoid gate was used for the analysis. Solid lines represent the X2F6-stained patterns. Broken lines represent PT85A-stained patterns. Filled lines represent the isotype-control-stained patterns. MFI scores for each haplotype are shown in the panels. The YLL type-allele number is also shown. (B) The MFIs of Hp-10.0 and Hp-43.0 haplotypes were selected and the homozygous pig PBMCs and heterozygous pig PBMCs were compared. The upper panels are the data from FACSCalibur, and the MFI score is significantly lower than in the lower panels, whereas the relative levels of the surface protein are comparable.
