Fig 3.TIF (695.21 kB)

HCV F/ARFP suppresses ISGs, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and type III IFN responses in Huh7 cells.

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posted on 2016-07-12, 07:13 authored by Seung Bum Park, Scott Seronello, Wasima Mayer, David M. Ojcius

(A—B) Huh7 cells were transfected with indicated plasmids and, after 48 hrs, transfected with 5 μg of HCV RNA PAMP corresponding to the UTR or poly(IC). Samples were analyzed for the indicated mRNAs 24 hrs after stimulation with PAMP by qRT-PCR. Data were normalized by GAPDH mRNA and shown as percentage of controls. Star indicates statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) from respective minus PAMP controls. Letter “a” indicates statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) from the corresponding pEF controls for each -PAMP or +PAMP group. Lines with P values also indicate statistically significant difference between those samples.
