pbio.2002612.g002.tif (2.3 MB)

Graph properties at the two resolution levels, G19×19 and G125×125.

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posted on 2017-07-03, 17:25 authored by Hamid R. Noori, Judith Schöttler, Maria Ercsey-Ravasz, Alejandro Cosa-Linan, Melinda Varga, Zoltan Toroczkai, Rainer Spanagel

(a,b) In- and out-degree distributions and the fit obtained through the exponential distance rule (EDR) model (being a random model provides the same distribution for in- and out-degree). (c,d) Degree ranking and its EDR fit. Nodes are listed as function of their in- (top, red) and out-degree ranking (bottom, blue). In (d) only the first 20 nodes are listed, the inset shows the whole ranking plot for all 125 nodes. (e,f) Histogram of node-betweenness values. (g,h) Histogram of edge-betweenness values. Insets in (f,h) show the histograms on log-linear scale.
