Fig 4.TIF (835.32 kB)

Global distribution of SPICs and CSBPSs in cetacean tRNAs.

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posted on 2016-06-23, 07:18 authored by Stefano Montelli, Antonella Peruffo, Tomaso Patarnello, Bruno Cozzi, Enrico Negrisolo

CSBPS, change in sequence in a base pair of a stem; FCBC, fully compensatory base change; HCBC, hemi compensatory base change; Mismatch, mismatch in a base pair of a stem; SPIC, stem position involved in base change. (a) Percent of SPICs in the whole set of tRNAs involved in CSBPSs. The extension of the slices determining the percent and type of FCBCs, HCBCs, and Mismatches was scaled assuming that the whole coverage of a Pie graph was reached only when the considered position resulted in an SPIC for the entire set of tRNAs. (b) Percent of CSBPSs occurring in a considered SPIC with respect to the total number of CSBPSs. The cyan arrows point to stem positions known to be interested in species of Mammalia by an editing activity in at least one tRNA.
