Fig 1.tif (8.93 MB)

Geographical placement of the locality containing Pseudorestias lirimensis gen. et sp. nov.

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posted on 2017-08-08, 23:44 authored by Gloria Arratia, Irma Vila, Natalia Lam, Claudia Jimena Guerrero, Claudio Quezada-Romegialli

A, General overview of High Andean systems in South America. B, Detail of Chancacolla River and its streams and with the type locality indicated [with a star]. C, Panoramic view of the Chancacolla River in the type locality. The arrow points at D main course of Chancacolla River facing upstream, and (E) facing downstream and showing characteristic association of macrophytes and vegetation that comprises a wetland (= bofedal). C, D and E are photographs by C. Quezada-Romegialli, whereas A and B are figures based on Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM GL1) Global 30m [40] provided by the OpenTopography Facility (see conditions of use in S2 Text) with support from the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Numbers 1226353 & 1225810 ( Identifications of rivers and Lirima village are from CQR.
