4 files

Genotype data on: Genetic affinities of the Jewish populations of India

posted on 2017-07-22, 08:35 authored by Gyaneshwer ChaubeyGyaneshwer Chaubey
IMP! Data of 10 Indian Jewish (Cochin Jew) samples for academic use only. The data is generated on Affymatrix 6.0 platform.
The data files are in PLINK binary ped (bed) file format.
If you want to use the data please send an email to with a copy to by following statements-
• I agree that I'll use these data only for research purposes.
• I'll make no commercial use of these data.
• I'll not transfer these data, in whole or in part, to anyone other than persons in my own research group.
• I understand internationally-accepted policies of responsible use of data for research and data-sharing, and shall abide by these policies.
• I'll not use this data for medical related analysis.
• I agree that I'll not use the dataset, either independently or in combination with any other genetic or non-genetic information, to (a) identify or contact individual participants, or (b) identify or contact individuals who may be related to the participants.


