Fig 10.TIF (2.39 MB)

GFP-tagged GlDRP and GlAPα reporters show dynamic membrane association and the APEX2-2H-GlDRP reporter localizes in the cell cortex.

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posted on 2016-07-20, 03:30 authored by Jon Paulin Zumthor, Lenka Cernikova, Samuel Rout, Andres Kaech, Carmen Faso, Adrian B. Hehl

(A-C,G) FRAP analysis of GlDRP::GFP shows complete recovery after 200s for the bleached ROI03. Pre-bleach (A), post-bleach t0 (B), post-bleach t220 (C). (D-F, H) FRAP analysis of a GFP-tagged reporter for Glα-adaptin::GFP shows complete recovery after 200s for the bleached ROI03. Pre-bleach (D), post-bleach t0 (E), post-bleach t220 (F). RFU: relative fluorescence units. (I) Representative examples of tEM images of APEX2-2HA-GlDRP expressing cells after exposure to DAB for 5min show reporter localization in the PPI (arrows and arrow-heads). Note the distinct signal in the PPI of the bare-zone (arrow-heads).
