Fig 7.TIF (792.46 kB)

Functional and structural analysis of the putative clathrin light chain.

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posted on 2016-07-20, 03:30 authored by Jon Paulin Zumthor, Lenka Cernikova, Samuel Rout, Andres Kaech, Carmen Faso, Adrian B. Hehl

(A-C) iTASSER de novo structural predictions for Gl4259 (A) showing a 64% and 47% structural overlap with iTASSER predictions for H. sapiens (B) and T. brucei (C) annotated clathrin light chains, respectively. (D-F) Representative images for the subcellular distribution of epitope-tagged truncated versions of Gl4259. The full length HA-tagged construct for Gl4259 (D) distributes at the cell cortex, in contrast the N-terminally truncated variant (E) is mislocalized to the cytosol, whilst the C-terminally HA-tagged truncated variant (F) localizes similar to A. (G) Co-IP experiments using the truncated variants shown in (B) and (C) as baits reveal interaction with GlCHC only for the C-terminally truncated variant.
